Table of content
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
2.1 Overview of the agriculture sector
2.2 The problems of primary producing countries
2.3 Agricultural finance in Nigeria as a developing nation
2.4 IBRD agriculture financing
2.5 IBRD human development report in Nigeria
2.6 IBRD research development
3.1 Research design and methodology
3.2 Sources of secondary data
3.3 Sources of secondary data
3.4 Method of investigation
3.5 Sample used
3.6 Method of analysis
4.1 Data presentation and analysis
4.2 Presentation of data
4.3 Analysis
5.1 Findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion
In Nigeria agriculture both the main traditional pursuit and key to sustain the growth of the modern economy. Economic growth has gone hand with agricultural progress. Stagnation in agricultural in the principal explanation for poor economic performance, while rising agricultural productivities most important concomitant of successful industrializations among the role conventionally ascribe to agricultural sector in a growing economy are those of
1. Providing adequate food for an increasing population
2. Supplying raw material to a growing industrial sector.
3. Constituting the major source of employment.
4. Earning foreign exchange through commodities expert and;
5. Providing a market for the product of the industrial sector.
Agriculture is thus seen as the backbone of these economies. Nigeria is a predominantly an agricultural economy and as long as he remain so, the future of thus sector in performing it's role become important in an air rain economy like Nigerian, agricultural policy constitute one of the major mean of available to government for alleviating poverty. Since independence in 1960, the Nigeria government had launched various schemes, programmed and projects, primarily to increase the agricultural output ands improve the well being of the masses most of them did not study the last of time due to poor planning but the world bank assistant interfaced agricultural development projects have been able to survive to data
The problem of this study is to know how international bank for reconstruction and development is alleviating some contemporary issues on poverty as reviewed by the agricultural development projects system.
The objective of the research are:
i. To appraise the agricultural development project system using the with or without approach with the aim of making some suggestions that will enhance and sustain the NDP system as a strategy for developing agricultural in Nigeria.
ii. Find out if competition from other sectors for the available funds affect the loon applicants (former) adversely.
iii. To ascertain whether there are ADP officials who diverts loan given to agricultural development projects for other uses.
iv. To find out the extent to which absence of feasibility studies constitute a barrier in the successfulness of the loon when granted.
v. To find out the how the problem of implantation has affected our research institutes.
This study will be of immense important to the policy makers who will be able to know actually the benefits of the financial contributions of the international bank for reconstruction and development (WORLD BANK) to the growth of agricultural sector.
This study will also be of immeasurable worth to the financial institutions, as it will show them the nature of their financial contributions to Nigeria. It operational activities so as to facilitate their own financial contributions to the economic growth.
Moreover it will help the government make policies and counters polices taking cognizance of the impact of the financial contributions so far. Since agriculture is the mainstay of the Nigeria economy.
More so, it will be useful to the economy at large since my attempt to resuscitate and develop agriculture is a giant stride towards revamping the economy.
Finally this research work will serve as an addition to the existing literature in the area of agriculture polices to enhance agriculture and further readings on World Bank activities in Nigeria.