Two field trials were conducted during the wet season of 2016, one at Samaru (11o11’N, 7o 38’E 686 meters above sea level) in the northern Guinea savannah and the other at Bagauda (11’37N, 8 o 23’E, 500meter above sea level) in the Sudan savannah of Nigeria, to study the performance of two soybean varieties as influenced by Sowing method and weed control treatments. The experiment consisted of two varieties of soybean, (TGX 1448-2E and TGX 1987-10F), two Sowing methods (Dibbling and drilling) and four weed control treatments. Pendimethalin at 2.0kg a.i kg/ha applied as pre-emergence, fusillade 2.0 a.i kg/ha applied as post emergence, hoe weeding at 3, 6 and 9 WAS and weedy check. The treatments were laid in a split plot design with factorial combinations of weed control treatments and sowing method assigned to the main plot, while variety was assigned to the sub-plot. The results show that variety TGX 1448-2E recorded lower weed dry weight and produced taller and more vigorous crop plants that had wider canopy and higher grain yield at both locations than TGX 1987-10F. Drilling method of sowing recorded less weed dry weight, weed cover score, and produced more vigorous crop plants with wider canopy cover, higher total dry weight than the dibbling method of sowing. The weedy check plots recorded significantly higher weed dry weight, weed cover score and weed density than all the other weed control treatments. The treatments with fluazifop-butyl (fusillade) at 2.0kg a.i/ha resulted in significantly taller plant height with wider canopy cover and more vigour crops thanPendimethalin at the same rate. On the other hand, hoe weeding at 3, 6, and 9WAS recorded higher seed yields than other weed control treatments |